Flexitex launches effective product against Corona Virus

The world is resuming its routines, within a normal “new”. But the Corona Virus pandemic danger continues to restrict people’s movements.

In this sense, Covid-19 aroused the need to clean surfaces, including the mattress.

With these premises, the Flexitex R&D team developed a new product, developed based on products that have been tested and effective against Corona Virus, Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antifungal and Anti-Mites.

For comfort and safety, Flexiguard is the mesh that guarantees the protection that the market seeks.

PLA: betting on a sustainable world

A sustainable world must be the common objective of all people and all companies.

Flexitex started to integrate PLA in its production, a 100% biodegradable yarn.

PLA is made mostly from corn grains, presenting a sustainable alternative to oil-derived fibers.

This yarn reduces up to 42% the energy consumption in the manufacture of the raw material, 70% less in the release of CO2 and is recyclable.

Flexitex communicates for the 21st century

The world changes every day. The relationships between companies, between customers and suppliers, between products and consumers, are quite different from what they were years ago. In all business areas!

“This leads us to have to change the way we are in the market, maintaining the values ​​of the past and responding to the challenges of the future”, says Domingos Leite de Castro, General Manager of the company.

Flexitex specializes in producing knitwear and fabrics; that’s how the market sees it.

“In addition, we will have to be the partner in which our client has confidence to embrace new projects, new value-added products”, he said.

For this reason, in addition to the continuous commitment that Flexitex has been making in the production of differentiating products, it will communicate in a different way: a new institutional website and social networks that allow showing what is good and well done in the company.

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